Special Programs

Lyneham High School has several well-established programs.

Available to year 7 students are the award winning band and music program, the Lyneham Enriched Academic Program (LEAP) for gifted and talented students and the Sporting Excellence at Lyneham (SEAL) program for talented sports students. These highly successful programs help to create a culture where achievement is celebrated and where students can work together with a strong sense of pride in their school.

2025 - Band, LEAP and SEAL

Students receiving a letter of offer from Lyneham High School in late July will be invited, at that time, to apply for the Band and SEAL programs.

ALL students entering year 7 in 2025 will participate in transition testing, which will be used to (among other things) determine whether students will be offered a place in LEAP.

Existing students at the school wishing to be considered for one or more of the programs should contact the relevant program coordinator.


Band Program

There is a very strong culture of music at Lyneham High School, with approximately 500 students enrolled in the Band Program, 120 students in the Musical Production Program and a total of 750 students participating in music activities and classes. The Lyneham High School bands are very active in the community, with performances at numerous workshops, festivals and Eisteddfods, as well as school, community and charity events.

Contact:  Sophie Raudonikis (Sophie.Raudonikis@ed.act.edu.au)

Band Handbook for 2025 enrolments

LEAP Program

The Lyneham Enriched Academic Program for gifted and talented students, known as LEAP, helps students to develop and realise their potential through enriched programs in the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS). They are placed in mixed ability groups to study the same program as other students in Technology, the Arts, Health and PE and Languages other than English.

Contact:  lynehamhs@ed.act.edu.au

LEAP Handbook for 2025 (version 2) enrolments

SEAL Program

The Sporting Excellence at Lyneham program for talented sports students, known as SEAL, provides the opportunity for students to achieve academically while continuing their commitment to their chosen team and/or individual sport. The SEAL program utilises specialist outside agencies, in cooperation with Physical Education staff, to maximise the development of students in their specialist areas of sport and training.

Contact:  LHSSEAL@ed.act.edu.au

SEAL Handbook for 2025 enrolments


Seek, DARE and STAR Programs

Available to students in later years are the Seek, STAR and DARE Programs.


Seek Program

The Seek program offers a different way for year 8, 9 and 10 students to access the core curriculum of English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS). Seek is taught in thematic interdisciplinary units that include project based learning and opportunities for students to develop the skills in collaboration, time management and self-directed learning.

Students in years 7, 8 and 9 can apply for Seek during Term 3. The process is advertised to students through daily notices delivered during home group. A student information session is held ahead of the application process.

Contact: Teegan Townsend (Teegan.Townsend@ed.act.edu.au) and Alison Simmons (alison.simmons@ed.act.edu.au)

Seek Program Presentation

Seek Program Mission Statement


DARE and STAR Programs

The Supporting Talent, Achievement and Resilience (STAR) and Developing Adolescence Resilience & Empathy (DARE) programs are for year 9 and year 10 female and male students respectively. STAR and DARE students participate in dedicated Health/PE and HaSS classes.

The core aims of the programs are to develop leadership potential and increase connectedness within our school and community. Selected students will be asked to think about their place in the world, tackle local and global issues and actively advocate change. STAR and DARE are two year commitments which requires enthusiasm, active participation and a growth mindset.

Year 8 students can apply for STAR and DARE during Term 3. The process is advertised to students through daily notices delivered during home group. A student information session for each program is held ahead of the application process. A parent information session is held for each program during Term 4 for parents/carers of successful applicants.

For more detailed information about STAR and DARE, please refer to their respective sections in the school’s Prospectus.

STAR contact: Kate Davoren (kate.davoren@ed.act.edu.au)

DARE contacts: Nicholas Kelly (nicholas.kelly@ed.act.edu.au) or Rachel McGann (rachel.mcgann@ed.act.edu.au)