Student Administration

Liability for the Loss, Damage or Theft of Personal Property

Parents and students are advised that Lyneham High School staff will take all reasonable steps to keep personal property safe. However, Lyneham High School does not provide insurance cover to automatically compensate for the loss, damage or theft of bicycles or any other personal property and nor will they be legally liable for their loss.

Parents and students are advised:

  • to avoid bringing valuable property to school
  • to take steps to insure all valuable items for loss, theft or damage
  • to use a good quality chain or bar lock to secure bicycles within the bike compound when left at school
  • that valuable items are brought to school at the personal risk of the owner and that schools decline any responsibility for the damage, loss or theft of students’ personal property
  • to report any suspicious activity to school staff

Lost Property

Items of lost property are taken to the Student Youth Workers' office. The school will endeavour to return labelled items to students. At the end of each term, uncollected uniform items are placed in the second hand clothing pool, and other clothing items are donated to local charities.

The school encourages students who have lost valuables (such as phones) to make several attempts to locate the item. At a minimum, they should check classrooms, staff rooms, the front office and the lost property pool.


Lockers are available for hire at a cost of $20.00 per year. Lockers are allocated at the beginning of each year once payment has been received by the front office.

Lockers must be emptied at the end of each year and locks must be returned to the front office.

School Uniform

Acceptable Clothing

The Education Directorate endorse school uniforms/colour code. The wearing of school tops and school colour code builds a sense of community and belonging. It is a safety issue around the school as our students are easily identifiable. Appropriate clothing enables students to be sun smart, and safe in our practical subject areas.

The Lyneham High School Board has set a colour code based on maroon and blue. It also has standards of clothing allowed as outlined here.

School polo tops and jumpers are available from the uniform shop. Students in special programs such as Band and SEAL also have specialist clothing that they are required to wear.

Before commencing at Lyneham High, all students are expected to sign an agreement indicating their commitment to wear the acceptable clothing required by the School Board.


Items of school uniform may be purchased from the school. This can be done in person during the uniform shop's opening hours, or by handing in a completed uniform order form to the front office.

All items are available in children's sizes 10, 12, 14, 16 and adult sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL.

Uniform shop opening hours:

  • Tue  8:30 – 9:30 parents until 9:30 and students until 8:50
  • Thu  8:30 – 9:30 parents until 9:30 and students until 8:50
  • Thu  recess  students only

For more information phone 6142 1176.

Second Hand Uniform Shop

Short sleeved tops, hooded jumpers, SEAL and Band t-shirts are available for sale. Prices from $5 to $10.  For all orders, please email

Leaving Lyneham High

Parents/carers of students who are leaving Lyneham High School should contact the school prior to the date of their departure advising their last day and where they are going. The student will be given a Leaver's Form to have signed by key people in the school to show they have returned all school property.


The canteen is run externally by the "Healthy Kids Association". A sample of their menu is here. This menu is in line with the ACT Public School Food and Drink Policy 2015. For online ordering (and their current menu), please refer to this document.

If you wish to contact the school canteen please call 6230 0211 or email